Updated: April 04, 2022
The Pendercrafts Lost in Space Chariot add-on for MSFS-2004. Model built by R.C. "Glitch" Reddin and Ronnie Pendergraft
using FSDS2. The Chariot was compiled using pictures and screen grabs from the show. It has moving a scanner, moving
solar panel array, retractable lower ladder rungs, retractable tow hook, opening doors and hatches, moving animated
treads and Mark Goddard in second season attire operator.
The chariot can move on level ground to speeds approaching 60 kias and can climb hills up to 45 degrees angles. See if
you can spot the Chariot in the overhead shot of the Keeper's ship? This gives you an idea just how big the Keeper's
ship really is compared to the chariot.
Rich Taylor